Alternative Solvers

A solver takes an Unfold-specified DesignMatrix and the data, and typically solves the equation system y = Xb (in the case of Linear Models). There are many different ways how one can approach this problem, depending if the matrix is sparse, if it is 2D or 3D, if one wants to use GPU etc.

Setup some data

using Unfold
using UnfoldMakie, CairoMakie
using UnfoldSim
dat, evts = UnfoldSim.predef_eeg(; noiselevel = 10, return_epoched = true)

f = @formula 0 ~ 1 + condition + continuous
designDict = Dict(Any => (f, range(0, 1, length = size(dat, 1))))

GPU Solvers

GPU solvers can significantly speed up your model fitting, with observed improvements of up to a factor of 30!

using Krylov, CUDA # necessary to load the right package extension
gpu_solver =(x, y) -> Unfold.solver_krylov(x, y; GPU = true)
m =, designDict, evts, dat, solver = gpu_solver)

To test it, you will need to run it yourself as we cannot run it on the docs. If you require a different graphicscard vendor than NVIDA/CUDA, please create an issue. Currently, we are unable to test it due to lack of hardware.

Robust Solvers

Robust solvers automatically adjust for outlier trials, but they come at a significant computational cost.

using RobustModels # necessary to load the Unfold package extension
se_solver = (x, y) -> Unfold.solver_robust(x, y)
m =, designDict, evts, dat, solver = se_solver)
results = coeftable(m)
plot_erp(results; stderror = true)

Back2Back regression

b2b_solver = (x, y) -> Unfold.solver_b2b(x, y; ross_val_reps = 5)
dat_3d = permutedims(repeat(dat, 1, 1, 20), [3 1 2])
m =, designDict, evts, dat_3d; solver = b2b_solver)
results = coeftable(m)


These are the decoding results for conditionA while considering conditionB, and vice versa.