Save and load Unfold models

Unfold.jl allows storing Unfold models in a memory-efficient way using (compressed) .jld2 files.

Simulate EEG data and fit an Unfold model

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Simulate some example data using UnfoldSim.jl

using UnfoldSim
data, events = UnfoldSim.predef_eeg(; n_repeats = 10)
first(events, 5)
5×3 DataFrame

Fit an Unfold model

using Unfold
basisfunction = firbasis(τ = (-0.5, 1.0), sfreq = 100, name = "stimulus")
f = @formula 0 ~ 1 + condition + continuous
bfDict = Dict(Any => (f, basisfunction))
m = fit(UnfoldModel, bfDict, events, data);
┌ Warning: using `Dict(:A=>(@formula,times/basisfunction))` is deprecated, please use `[:A=>(@formula,times/basisfunction)]` from now on
@ Unfold ~/work/Unfold.jl/Unfold.jl/src/fit.jl:53

Save and load the fitted Unfold model

The following code saves the model in a compressed .jld2 file. The default option of the save function is compress=false. For memory efficiency the designmatrix is set to missing. If needed, it can be reconstructed when loading the model.

save_path = mktempdir(; cleanup = false) # create a temporary directory for the example
save(joinpath(save_path, "m_compressed.jld2"), m; compress = true);

The load function allows to retrieve the model again. By default, the designmatrix is reconstructed. If it is not needed set generate_Xs=false` which improves time-efficiency.

m_loaded = load(joinpath(save_path, "m_compressed.jld2"), UnfoldModel, generate_Xs = true);

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