Overlap Correction with Linear Mixed Models

using Unfold
using UnfoldSim

using CategoricalArrays
using MixedModels
using UnfoldMakie, CairoMakie
using DataFrames

This notebook is similar to the Linear Model with Overlap Correction tutorial, but fits mixed models with overlap correction


Limitation: This functionality is not ready for general use. There are still a lot of things to find out and tinker with. Don't use this if you haven't looked under the hood of the toolbox! Be aware of crashes / timeouts for non-trivial problems

Get some data

dat, evts = UnfoldSim.predef_2x2(; signalsize=20, n_items=16, n_subjects=16)

# We also need to fix the latencies, they are now relative to 1:size(data, 1), but we want a continuous long EEG.
subj_idx = [parse(Int, split(string(s), 'S')[2]) for s in evts.subject]
evts.latency .+= size(dat, 1) .* (subj_idx .- 1)

dat = dat[:] # we need all data concatenated over subjects
evts.subject  = categorical(Array(evts.subject))

Linear Mixed Model Continuous Time

Again we have 4 steps:

  1. Specify a temporal basisfunction
  2. Specify a formula
  3. Fit a linear model for each channel (one model for all timepoints!)
  4. Visualize the results.

1. Specify a temporal basisfunction

By default, we would want to use a FIR basis function. See Basis Functions for more details.

basisfunction = firbasis(τ=(-0.4, .8), sfreq=20, name="stimulus")

2. Specify the formula

Define the formula and specify a random effect.


We use zerocorr to prevent the model from computing all correlations between all timepoints and factors.

f  = @formula 0 ~ 1 + A  *B + zerocorr(1 + A*B|subject);
FormulaTerm Response: 0 Predictors: 1 A(unknown) B(unknown) A(unknown) & B(unknown) (A,B,subject)->zerocorr((1 + A * B) | subject)

3. Fit the model

bfDict = Dict(Any=>(f, basisfunction))
# Skipping this tutorial for now due to a significant error.
m = fit(UnfoldModel, bfDict, evts, dat)

results = coeftable(m)
first(results, 6)
6×7 DataFrame

4. Visualize results

plot_erp(results; mapping=(; col = :group))
Example block output