The predict-family

# Setup
using Unfold
using UnfoldSim
using CairoMakie

dat, evts = UnfoldSim.predef_eeg(noiselevel = 5)
design = [
    "car" => (@formula(0 ~ 1 + continuous), firbasis(τ = (-0.5, 1), sfreq = 100)),
    "face" => (@formula(0 ~ 1 + continuous), firbasis(τ = (-0.3, 0.5), sfreq = 100)),

m = fit(UnfoldModel, design, evts, dat; eventcolumn = :condition);


In a linear model $EEG = Xβ + e$, predictions boil down to finding $\hat{EEG} = Xβ$, thus EEG data without any error term. Different types of predictions can be generated by modifying the $X$ accordingly.


We simulated only a single channel, all results generalize to the multi channel case

Different types of predictions

Time-Continuous case

Let's start with the cases, where the EEG was not epoched before using Unfold, i.e. the EEG was analysed with e.g. FIR-deconvolution

Continuous EEG

In the most simple case, we can predict the continuously modelled EEG - This returns $EEG = Xβ$

p = predict(m) # same as predict(m, overlap = true)
lines(p[1, 1:1000])
Example block output


We can also predict each epoch without any overlap - This results in one prediction Array per event (in our case we have two events "car" and "face", thus size(p[1]) = 2

p = predict(m, overlap = false)

Each Array has the size (1, samples, epochs):

(1, 151, 1000)

Visualizing the 1000 events

series(range(-0.5, 1, step = 1 / 100), p[1][1, :, :]', solid_color = :orange)
series!(range(-0.3, 0.5, step = 1 / 100), p[2][1, :, :]', solid_color = :teal)
Example block output

At ~0.3s we can see a split between the predicted EEG single trials into 10 "strands" - this is the granularity of our continuous predictor. You could use effects to improve upon this granularity / customize it.

With-overlap, epoched

Sometimes helpful is to add in the overlap we removed via the deconvolution.

p = predict(m, epoch_to = ["car"], eventcolumn = :condition)
series(range(-0.5, 1, step = 1 / 100), p[1, :, 1:3]', solid_color = :orange)
Example block output


We can also include/exclude certain events with "partial-overlap", i.e. only overlap with kept events.

p_car = predict(m, keep_basis = ["car"], eventcolumn = :condition)
p_face = predict(m, exclude_basis = ["car"], eventcolumn = :condition) # same as keep_basis=["face"]
f = lines(p_car[1, 1:1000])
lines!(p_face[1, 1:1000])
Example block output

In the plot, we see the two partial predictions for car and face. They are respectively "0" outside the basisfunction windows


The above options can be combined as well, e.g. to get an epoch_to, exclude_basis version. epoch_timewindow can be specified as well.

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