Apply MNE preprocessing

When using run_unfold on your BIDS dataset it is usually assumed that your data is already preprocessed (or you want to have a look at the raw data). However, you also have the option to apply some further processing to your data. This is done by providing a custom function as extract_data keyword to run_unfold.

I.e. run_unfold(dataDF, bfDict; extract_data = your_custom_function)

By default raw_to_data is used.

function raw_to_data(raw; channels::AbstractVector{<:Union{String,Integer}}=[])
  return pyconvert(Array, raw.get_data(picks=pylist(channels), units="uV"))

You can exchange this function through an arbitrary function (applying MNE processing as needed), as long as it takes the raw MNE data object and returns a pyconverted Julia Array containing the data stream.

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