Convert electrode positions form 3D to 2D

Sometimes you have 3D montage but you need 2D montage. How to convert one to another? The function to_positions should help.

using UnfoldMakie
using CairoMakie
using TopoPlots
using PyMNE
    CondaPkg Found dependencies: /home/runner/.julia/packages/PyMNE/HGgbW/CondaPkg.toml
    CondaPkg Found dependencies: /home/runner/.julia/packages/PythonCall/bb3ax/CondaPkg.toml
    CondaPkg Dependencies already up to date

Get positions from MNE

Generate an MNE structure taken from mne documentation

biosemi_montage = PyMNE.channels.make_standard_montage("biosemi64")
n_channels = length(biosemi_montage.ch_names)
fake_info =
    PyMNE.create_info(ch_names = biosemi_montage.ch_names, sfreq = 250.0, ch_types = "eeg")
data = rand(n_channels, 1) * 1e-6
fake_evoked = PyMNE.EvokedArray(data, fake_info)

pos = to_positions(fake_evoked)
64-element Vector{Point2{Float64}}:
 [0.34935274876763384, 0.8914697618166454]
 [0.2285454515991697, 0.8299153694246765]
 [0.3239207434789678, 0.8210416675361911]
 [0.38009721906796695, 0.7346772379558053]
 [0.28116929732806945, 0.7288908776450373]
 [0.19598811803244962, 0.729048111114921]
 [0.13267223773863893, 0.7340421555641459]
 [0.07111784534666996, 0.6132348583956815]
 [0.1381378125628734, 0.6118022611559795]
 [0.2400936018380034, 0.6086174147856195]
 [0.612772564740614, 0.34981504242270145]
 [0.5864401194985318, 0.2239606378043266]
 [0.6853680412384293, 0.2297469981150946]
 [0.7705492205340492, 0.22958976464521094]
 [0.8338651008278599, 0.22459572019598625]
 [0.8710458357539724, 0.19758233504967118]
 [0.7379918869673291, 0.12872250633545543]
 [0.6426165950875308, 0.13759620822394072]
 [0.6171845897988648, 0.06716811394348651]

Projecting from 3D montage to 2D

pos3d = hcat(values(pyconvert(Dict, biosemi_montage.get_positions()["ch_pos"]))...)

pos2 = to_positions(pos3d)

f = Figure(size = (600, 300))
scatter(f[1, 1], pos3d[1:2, :], axis = (title = "Dropping third dimension",))
scatter(f[1, 2], pos2, axis = (title = "Projection form 3D to 2D",))
Example block output

As you can see, the "naive" transformation of simply dropping the third dimension does not really work (left). Instead, we have to project the channels onto a sphere and unfold it (right).

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