Design matrix
Package loading
using Unfold
using UnfoldMakie
using DataFrames
using CairoMakie
uf = example_data("UnfoldLinearModel")
Unfold-Type: UnfoldLinearModel
formula: Dict{DataType, Tuple{StatsModels.FormulaTerm{StatsModels.ConstantTerm{Int64}, Tuple{StatsModels.ConstantTerm{Int64}, StatsModels.Term, StatsModels.Term}}, StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Int64}}}(Any => (0 ~ 1 + condition + continuous, 0.0:0.01:0.44))
Useful functions:
design(uf) (returns Dict of event => (formula,times/basis))
designmatrix(uf) (returns DesignMatrix with events)
modelfit(uf) (returns modelfit object)
coeftable(uf) (returns tidy result dataframe)
Plot Designmatrices
The following code will result in the default configuration.

To make the design matrix easier to read, you may want to sort it using sort_data
plot_designmatrix(designmatrix(uf); sort_data = true)

Configurations for Design matrix plot
— Functionplot_designmatrix!(f::Union{GridPosition, GridLayout, Figure}, data::Unfold.DesignMatrix; kwargs...)
plot_designmatrix(data::Unfold.DesignMatrix; kwargs...)
Plot a designmatrix.
f::Union{GridPosition, GridLayout, Figure}
, orGridPosition
to draw the
Data for the plot visualization.
Keyword argumets (kwargs)
standardize_data::Bool = true
Indicates whether the data is standardized by pointwise division of the data with its sampled standard deviation.sort_data::Bool = true
Indicates whether the data is sorted. It usessortslices()
of Base Julia.xticks::Num = nothing
Returns the number of labels on the x axis.xticks
= 0: no labels are placed.xticks
= 1: first possible label is placed.xticks
= 2: first and last possible labels are placed.- 2 <
<number of labels
: equally distribute the labels. xticks
≥number of labels
: all labels are placed.
Shared plot configuration options
The shared plot options can be used as follows: type = (; key = value, ...))
For example, plot_x(...; layout = (; show_legend = true, legend_position = :right))
Multiple defaults will be cycled until match.
Placing ;
is important!
figure = NamedTuple() - use kwargs...
of Makie.Figure
axis = (xlabel = "Conditions", ylabel = "Trials", xticklabelrotation = 0.39) - use kwargs...
of Makie.Axis
layout = (show_legend = true, legend_position = :right, xlabelFromMapping = :x, ylabelFromMapping = :y, use_colorbar = true)
mapping = (x = (:time,), y = (:estimate, :yhat, :y))
visual = (colormap = :roma,) - use kwargs...
of Makie.heatmap
legend = (orientation = :vertical, tellwidth = true, tellheight = false) - use kwargs...
of Makie.Legend
colorbar = (vertical = true, tellwidth = true, tellheight = false, flipaxis = true, labelrotation = -1.5707963267948966, label = "") - use kwargs...
of Makie.Colorbar
Return Value: Figure
displaying the Design matrix.
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