RelativeAxis(fig, p::NTuple{4, Float64}; kwargs...)

Returns an Axis whose position is relative to a GridLayout element (via BBox) and not relative to the Scene. Default behavior is Axis(..., bbox=BBox()).

  • p::NTuple{4,Float64}: specify the position relative to the GridPosition left:right; bottom:top, typical numbers between 0 and 1, e.g. (0.25, 0.75, 0.25, 0.75) would center an Axis inside this GridPosition.

  • kwargs... - inserted into the axis.

    f = Figure() ax = RelativeAxis(f[1,2], (0.25, 0.75, 0.25, 0.75)) # returns Axis centered within f[1,2]

Return Value: Axis.

    y = :erp,
    label = :label,
    col = :time,
    row = nothing,
    col_labels = false,
    row_labels = false,
    rasterize_heatmaps = true,
    combinefun = mean,
eeg_topoplot_series!(fig, data::DataFrame, Δbin; kwargs..)

Plot a series of topoplots. The function automatically takes the combinefun = mean over the :time column of data in Δbin steps.

  • fig
    Figure object.
  • data::DataFrame
    Needs the columns :time and y(=:erp), and label(=:label).
    If data is a matrix, it is automatically cast to a dataframe, time bins are in samples, labels are string.(1:size(data,1)).
  • Δbin = :time
    In :time units, specifying the time steps. All other keyword arguments are passed to the EEG_TopoPlot recipe.
    In most cases, the user should specify the electrode positions with positions = pos.
  • col, row = :time
    Specify the field to be divided into columns and rows. The default is col=:time to split by the time field and row = nothing.
    Useful to split by a condition, e.g. ...(..., col=:time, row=:condition) would result in multiple (as many as different values in df.condition) rows of topoplot series.
  • row_labels, col_labels = false
    Indicate whether there should be labels in the plots in the first column to indicate the row value and in the last row to indicate the time (typically timerange).


df = DataFrame(:erp => repeat(1:63, 100), :time => repeat(1:20, 5 * 63), :label => repeat(1:63, 100)) # simulated data
pos = [(1:63) ./ 63 .* (sin.(range(-2 * pi, 2 * pi, 63))) (1:63) ./ 63 .* cos.(range(-2 * pi, 2 * pi, 63))] .* 0.5 .+ 0.5 # simulated electrode positions
pos = [Point2.(pos[k, 1], pos[k, 2]) for k in 1:size(pos, 1)]
eeg_topoplot_series(df, 5; positions = pos)

Return Value: Tuple{Figure, Vector{Any}}.

config_kwargs!(cfg::PlotConfig; kwargs...)

Takes named tuple of Key => NamedTuple as kwargs and merges the fields with the defaults.

eeg_matrix_to_dataframe(data::Matrix, label)

Helper function converting a matrix (channel x times) to a tidy DataFrame with columns :estimate, :time and :label.

Return Value: DataFrame.

rel_to_abs_bbox(org, rel)

Takes a rectangle org and applies the relative transformation tuple rel.

Return Value: Makie.BBox.

to_positions(x, y, z; sphere = [0, 0, 0.])
to_positions(pos::AbstractMatrix; sphere = [0, 0, 0.])

Projects 3D electrode positions to a 2D layout. Reimplementation of the MNE algorithm.

Assumes size(pos) = (3, nChannels) when input is AbstractMatrix.

Tip: You can get positions directly from an MNE object after loading PyMNE and enabling the UnfoldMakie PyMNE extension.

Return Value: Vector{Point2{Float64}}.

df_timebin(df, Δbin; col_y = :erp, fun = mean, grouping = [])

Split or combine DataFrame according to equally spaced time bins.


  • df::AbstractTable
    With columns :time and col_y (default :erp), and all columns in grouping;
  • Δbin
    Bin size in :time units;
  • col_y = :erp
    The column to combine over (with fun);
  • fun = mean()
    Function to combine.
  • grouping = []
    Vector of symbols or strings, columns to group the data by before aggregation. Values of nothing are ignored.

Return Value: DataFrame.

cart3d_to_spherical(x, y, z)

Convert x, y, z electrode positions on a scalp to spherical coordinate representation.

Return Value: Matrix.
