ERP Plot
ERP plot is plot type for visualisation of Event-related potentials. It can fully represent time and experimental condition dimensions using lines.
Package loading
using Unfold
using UnfoldMakie
using DataFrames
using CairoMakie
using DataFramesMeta
using UnfoldSim
using UnfoldMakie
Data generation
Let's generate some data. We'll fit a model with a 2 level categorical predictor and a continuous predictor with interaction.
data, evts = UnfoldSim.predef_eeg(; noiselevel = 12, return_epoched = true)
data = reshape(data, (1, size(data)...))
f = @formula 0 ~ 1 + condition + continuous
se_solver = (x, y) -> Unfold.solver_default(x, y, stderror = true);
m = fit(
Dict(Any => (f, range(0, step = 1 / 100, length = size(data, 2)))),
solver = se_solver,
results = coeftable(m)
res_effects = effects(Dict(:continuous => -5:0.5:5), m);
┌ Warning: using `Dict(:A=>(@formula,times/basisfunction))` is deprecated, please use `[:A=>(@formula,times/basisfunction)]` from now on
└ @ Unfold ~/.julia/packages/Unfold/2IzOY/src/fit.jl:53
Figure plotting
![Example block output](84dd5911.png)
To change legend title use mapping.color
plot_erp(results, mapping = (; color = :coefname => "Conditions"))
![Example block output](c6d6b383.png)
Additional features
Effect plot
Effect plot shows how ERP voltage is affected by variation of some variable (here: :contionous
categorical_color::Bool = true
as continuous or categorical variable in case of numeric:color
column.categorical_group::Bool = true
as categorical variable by default in case of numeric:group
mapping = (; y = :yhat, color = :continuous, group = :continuous),
layout = (; use_colorbar = false),
![Example block output](54200dd3.png)
Significance lines
significance::Array = []
- show a significance (see below).
Here we manually specify p-value lines. If array is not empty, plot shows colored lines under the plot representing the p-values. Below is an example in which p-values are given:
m = example_data("UnfoldLinearModel")
results = coeftable(m)
significancevalues = DataFrame(
from = [0.01, 0.2],
to = [0.3, 0.4],
coefname = ["(Intercept)", "condition: face"], # if coefname not specified, line should be black
plot_erp(results; :significance => significancevalues)
![Example block output](b96299d6.png)
Error ribbons
::bool =false
- add an error ribbon, with lower and upper limits based on the:stderror
Display a colored band on the graph to indicate lower and higher estimates based on the standard error. For the generalizability of your results, it is always better to include error bands.
f = Figure()
results.coefname =
replace(results.coefname, "condition: face" => "face", "(Intercept)" => "car")
results = filter(row -> row.coefname != "continuous", results)
f[1, 1],
axis = (title = "Bad example", titlegap = 12),
:stderror => false,
mapping = (; color = :coefname => "Conditions"),
f[2, 1],
axis = (title = "Good example", titlegap = 12),
:stderror => true,
mapping = (; color = :coefname => "Conditions"),
ax = Axis(f[2, 1], width = Relative(1), height = Relative(1))
xlims!(ax, [-0.04, 1])
ylims!(ax, [-0.04, 1])
text!(0.98, 0.2, text = "* Confidence\nintervals", align = (:right, :top))
![Example block output](5a96c511.png)
There are two ways to implement it. First is using :stderror = true
after ;
results.se_low = results.estimate .- 0.5
results.se_high = results.estimate .+ 0.15
plot_erp(select(results, Not(:stderror)); stderror = true)
![Example block output](ce74b8a7.png)
Second way is to specify manually lower and higher borders of the error bands.
has precedence over :se_low
Creation of column facets for each channel.
m7 = example_data("7channels")
results7 = coeftable(m7)
plot_erp(results7, mapping = (; col = :channel, group = :channel))
![Example block output](f95632ba.png)
Configurations of ERP plot
— Functionplot_erp!(f::Union{GridPosition, GridLayout, Figure}, plot_data::Union{DataFrame, AbstractMatrix, AbstractVector{<:Number}}; kwargs...)
plot_erp(times, plot_data::Union{DataFrame, AbstractMatrix, AbstractVector{<:Number}}; kwargs...)
Plot an ERP plot.
f::Union{GridPosition, GridLayout, Figure}
, orGridPosition
to draw the{Union{DataFrame, AbstractMatrix, AbstractVector{<:Number}, Vector{Float32}}
Data for the ERP plot visualization.kwargs...
Additional styling behavior.
Often used as:plot_erp(df; mapping = (; color = :coefname, col = :conditionA))
Keyword arguments (kwargs)
stderror::Bool = false
Add an error ribbon, with lower and upper limits based on the:stderror
column.significance::DataFrame = nothing
Show significant time periods as horizontal bars.
Example:DataFrame(from = [0.1, 0.3], to = [0.5, 0.7], coefname = ["(Intercept)", "condition: face"])
is not specified, the significance lines will be black.layout.use_colorbar = true
Enable or disable colorbar.layout.use_legend = true
Enable or disable legend.layout.show_legend = true
Enable or disable legend and colorbar.mapping = (;)
F.i.mapping = (; col = :group)
will make a column for each group.visual = (; color = Makie.wong_colors, colormap = :roma)
For categorical color usevisual.color
, for continuous -visual.colormap
Shared plot configuration options
The shared plot options can be used as follows: type = (; key = value, ...))
For example, plot_x(...; colorbar = (; vertical = true, label = "Test"))
Multiple defaults will be cycled until match.
Placing ;
is important!
figure = NamedTuple() - use kwargs...
of Makie.Figure
axis = (xlabel = "Time", ylabel = "Voltage", yticklabelsize = 14, xtickformat = "{:.1f}") - use kwargs...
of Makie.Axis
layout = (show_legend = true, use_colorbar = true, use_legend = true, hidespines = (:r, :t), hidedecorations = Dict{Symbol, Bool}(:grid => 1, :label => 0, :ticks => 0, :ticklabels => 0)) - check this page
mapping = (x = (:time,), y = (:estimate, :yhat, :y), color = (:color, :coefname, nothing)) - use any mapping from AlgebraOfGraphics
visual = (colormap = :roma, color = ColorTypes.RGBA{Float32}[RGBA{Float32}(0.0f0,0.44705883f0,0.69803923f0,1.0f0), RGBA{Float32}(0.9019608f0,0.62352943f0,0.0f0,1.0f0), RGBA{Float32}(0.0f0,0.61960787f0,0.4509804f0,1.0f0), RGBA{Float32}(0.8f0,0.4745098f0,0.654902f0,1.0f0), RGBA{Float32}(0.3372549f0,0.7058824f0,0.9137255f0,1.0f0), RGBA{Float32}(0.8352941f0,0.36862746f0,0.0f0,1.0f0), RGBA{Float32}(0.9411765f0,0.89411765f0,0.25882354f0,1.0f0)]) - use kwargs...
of Makie.lines
legend = (orientation = :vertical, tellwidth = true, tellheight = false, halign = :right, valign = :center, framevisible = false) - use kwargs...
of Makie.Legend
colorbar = (vertical = true, tellwidth = true, tellheight = false, labelrotation = -1.5707963267948966, label = "", flipaxis = true) - use kwargs...
of AlgebraOfGraphics.colorbar!
Return Value: Figure
displaying the ERP plot.
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