Spline plot
Spline plot is a plot type for visualisation of terms in an UnfoldModel. Two subplots are generated for each spline term: 1) the basis function of the spline; 2) the density of the underlying covariate.
Multiple spline terms are arranged across columns. Dashed lines indicate spline knots.
Package and data loading
using Unfold, UnfoldMakie
using BSplineKit, DataFrames
df, pos = example_data("TopoPlots.jl")
m1 = example_data("UnfoldLinearModelwith1Spline");
m2 = example_data("UnfoldLinearModelwith2Splines");
Spline plot with one spline term:
![Example block output](0cb06918.png)
Spline plot with two spline terms:
![Example block output](f9da84ad.png)
Configurations of Spline plot
— Functionplot_splines(m::UnfoldModel; kwargs...)
plot_splines!(f::Union{GridPosition, GridLayout, Figure}, m::UnfoldModel; kwargs...)
Visualization of spline terms in an UnfoldModel. Two subplots are generated for each spline term:
1) the basis function of the spline; 2) the density of the underlying covariate.
Multiple spline terms are arranged across columns.
Dashed lines indicate spline knots.
f::Union{GridPosition, GridLayout, Figure}
, orGridPosition
to draw the plot.m::UnfoldModel
UnfoldModel with splines.spline_axis::NamedTuple = (;)
Here you can flexibly change configurations of spline subplots.
To see all options just type?Axis
in REPL.
Defaults: (ylabel = "Spline value", xlabelvisible = false, xticklabelsvisible = false, ylabelvisible = true)density_axis::NamedTuple = (;)
Here you can flexibly change configurations of density subplots.
To see all options just type?Axis
in REPL.
Defaults: (xautolimitmargin = (0, 0), ylabel = "Density value")superlabel_config::NamedTuple = (;)
Here you can flexibly change configurations of the Label on the top of the plot.
To see all options just type?Label
in REPL.
Defaults: (fontsize = 20, padding = (0, 0, 40, 0))
Shared plot configuration options
The shared plot options can be used as follows: type = (; key = value, ...))
For example, plot_x(...; colorbar = (; vertical = true, label = "Test"))
Multiple defaults will be cycled until match.
Placing ;
is important!
figure = NamedTuple() - use kwargs...
of Makie.Figure
axis = NamedTuple() - use kwargs...
of Makie.Axis
layout = (show_legend = true, use_colorbar = true) - check this page
mapping = (x = (:time,), y = (:estimate, :yhat, :y)) - use any mapping from AlgebraOfGraphics
visual = (colormap = :viridis,) - use kwargs...
of Makie.series
legend = (orientation = :vertical, tellwidth = true, tellheight = false, halign = :right, valign = :center, title = "Splines", framevisible = false) - use kwargs...
of Makie.Legend
colorbar = (vertical = true, tellwidth = true, tellheight = false, labelrotation = -1.5707963267948966) - use kwargs...
of Makie.Colorbar
Return Value: Figure
with splines and their density for basis functions.
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