Change Butterfly Channel Position Color

This section discusses how users can change the color scheme of the butterfly plot. It will affect the colors of the lines and markers on the inserted topoplot.

using UnfoldMakie
using CairoMakie
using DataFramesMeta
using Colors

By default the plot looks like this:

results, positions = example_data("TopoPlots.jl")
plot_butterfly(results; positions = positions)

We can change the color scale by specifying a function that maps from an `(x,y)` tuple to a color. UnfoldMakie currently provides three different color scales:
- `pos2colorRGB` (same as MNE-Python),
- pos2colorHSV` (HSV color space),
- pos2colorRomaO`.

While `RGB` & `HSV` have the advantage of being 2D color maps, `Roma0` has the advantage of being perceptually uniform.
Example block output

MNE-like color scheme

    positions = positions,
    topopositions_to_color = pos -> UnfoldMakie.posToColorRGB(pos),
Example block output


    positions = positions,
    topopositions_to_color = UnfoldMakie.posToColorHSV,
Example block output

Uniform Color

We can also make all lines "gray", or any other arbitrary color, or function of electrode "position".

    positions = positions,
    topopositions_to_color = x -> Colors.RGB(0.5),
Example block output

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