ERP Image Visualization

Here we discuss ERP image visualization. Make sure you have looked into the installation instructions.

Package loading

using Unfold
using UnfoldMakie
using CairoMakie
using UnfoldSim
example_data (generic function with 2 methods)

Plot ERP image

The following code will result in the default configuration.

data, evts = UnfoldSim.predef_eeg(; noiselevel = 10, return_epoched = true)
Example block output

Additional features

Since ERP images use a Matrix as an input, the library does not need any informations about the mapping.

  • erpblur (Number, 10): number indicating how much blur is applied to the image; Gaussian blur of the ImageFiltering module is used. Non-Positive values deactivate the blur.
  • meanplot (bool, false): Indicating whether the plot should add a line plot below the ERP image, showing the mean of the data.
    meanplot = true,
    colorbar = (label = "Voltage [µV]",),
    visual = (colormap = :viridis, colorrange = (-40, 40)),
Example block output

Sorted ERP image

First, generate a data. Second, specify the necessary sorting parameter.

  • sortvalues (bool, false): parameter over which plot will be sorted. Using sortperm() of Base Julia.
  • sortperm() computes a permutation of the array's indices that puts the array into sorted order.
dat_e, evts, times = example_data("sort_data")
plot_erpimage(times, dat_e; sortvalues = evts.Δlatency)
Example block output

Configurations for ERP image

plot_erpimage!(f::Union{GridPosition, GridLayout, Figure}, data::Matrix{Float64}; kwargs...)
plot_erpimage(data::Matrix{Float64}; kwargs...)

Plot an ERP image.


  • f::Union{GridPosition, GridLayout, Figure}: Figure or GridPosition that the plot should be drawn into
  • plot::Matrix{Float64}: Data for the plot visualization

Keyword Arguments

  • erpblur (Number; default: 10): number indicating how much blur is applied to the image. Gaussian blur of the ImageFiltering module is used. Non-Positive values deactivate the blur.
  • sortindex (Vector{Int64}; default: nothing): sorting over index values.
  • sortvalues (Vector{Int64}; default: false): parameter over which plot will be sorted. Using sortperm() of Base Julia.
    • sortperm() computes a permutation of the array's indices that puts the array into sorted order.
  • meanplot (bool; default: false): Indicating whether the plot should add a line plot below the ERP image, showing the mean of the data.

Shared plot configuration options

The shared plot options can be used as follows: type = (; key=value, ...)) - for example plot_x(...; layout = (; show_legend=true, legend_position=:right)). Multiple defaults will be cycled until match.

figure = NamedTuple() - use kwargs... of Makie.Figure

axis = (xlabel = "Time [s]", ylabel = "Sorted trials") - use kwargs... of Makie.Axis

layout = (show_legend = true, legend_position = :right, xlabelFromMapping = :x, ylabelFromMapping = :y, use_colorbar = true)

mapping = (x = (:time,), y = (:estimate, :yhat, :y))

visual = (colormap = Makie.Reverse{String}("RdBu"),) - use kwargs... of $Makie.heatmap$

legend = (orientation = :vertical, tellwidth = true, tellheight = false) - use kwargs... of Makie.Legend

colorbar = (vertical = true, tellwidth = true, tellheight = false, label = "Voltage [µV]", labelrotation = 4.7) - use kwargs... of Makie.Colorbar

Return Value:

The input f


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