Topoplot Series Visualization

Package loading

using Unfold
using UnfoldMakie
using DataFrames
using CairoMakie
using TopoPlots
using Statistics

Plot Topoplot Series

Example data

In case you do not already have data, you can get example data from the TopoPlots module. You can do it like this:

data, positions = TopoPlots.example_data()
df = UnfoldMakie.eeg_matrix_to_dataframe(data[:, :, 1], string.(1:length(positions)));


Δbin = 80
plot_topoplotseries(df, Δbin; positions = positions)
Example block output

Additional features

Disabling colorbar

plot_topoplotseries(df, Δbin; positions = positions, layout = (; use_colorbar = false))
Example block output

Aggregating functions

In this example combinefun is specified by mean, median and std.

f = Figure()
plot_topoplotseries!(f[1, 1], df, Δbin; positions = positions, combinefun = mean)
plot_topoplotseries!(f[2, 1], df, Δbin; positions = positions, combinefun = median)
plot_topoplotseries!(f[3, 1], df, Δbin; positions = positions, combinefun = std)
Example block output

Configurations of Topoplot series

plot_topoplotseries(f::Union{GridPosition, GridLayout, Figure}, data::DataFrame, Δbin::Real; kwargs...)
plot_topoplotseries!(data::DataFrame, Δbin::Real; kwargs...)

Multiple miniature topoplots in regular distances


  • f::Union{GridPosition, GridLayout, Figure}: Figure, GridLayout or GridPosition that the plot should be drawn into.
  • data::DataFrame: DataFrame with data, needs a time column.
  • Δbin::Real: A number for how large one time bin should be. Δbin is in units of the data.time column.
  • combinefun (default: mean) - specify how the samples within Δbin are summarised. possible functons: mean, median, std.
  • rasterize_heatmaps (default: true) - enforce rasterization of the plot heatmap when saving in svg format. This has the benefit that all lines/points are vectors, except the interpolated heatmap. This is typically what you want, otherwise you get ~500x500 vectors per topoplot, which makes everything super slow.
  • col_labels, row_labels - shows column and row labels.
  • labels (default: nothing) - channel labels.
  • positions (default: nothing) - channel positions.

Shared plot configuration options

The shared plot options can be used as follows: type = (; key=value, ...)) - for example plot_x(...; layout = (; show_legend=true, legend_position=:right)). Multiple defaults will be cycled until match.

figure = NamedTuple() - use kwargs... of Makie.Figure

axis = (xlabel = "", aspect = Makie.DataAspect()) - use kwargs... of Makie.Axis

layout = (show_legend = true, legend_position = :right, xlabelFromMapping = nothing, ylabelFromMapping = nothing, use_colorbar = true, hidespines = (), hidedecorations = Dict{Symbol, Bool}(:label => 0))

mapping = (x = (nothing,), y = (:estimate, :yhat, :y), positions = (:pos, :positions, :position, nothing), labels = (:labels, :label, :sensor, nothing), col = (:time,), row = (nothing,))

visual = (colormap = Makie.Reverse{Symbol}(:RdBu), contours = (color = :white, linewidth = 2), label_scatter = true, label_text = false, bounding_geometry = GeometryBasics.Circle) - use kwargs... of $Topoplot.eeg_topoplot$

legend = (orientation = :vertical, tellwidth = true, tellheight = false) - use kwargs... of Makie.Legend

colorbar = (vertical = true, tellwidth = true, tellheight = false, flipaxis = true, labelrotation = -1.5707963267948966, label = "Voltage [µV]") - use kwargs... of Makie.Colorbar

Return Value:

The input f


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